Request A Green Waste Pick Up

The city  has a contract with Coastal Environmental Services for garbage and green waste pick ups, and recycling. 

Wednesday - garbage 
Tuesday or Friday - green waste
Tuesday - recycle

Green Waste:  Residents may call Coastal Environmental Services directly at 985-781-3171 to schedule a pickup for a large pile of green waste.
Green waste is defined as: grass, leaves, flowers, stalks, stems, tree/hedge trimmings, or Christmas trees, that are generated by a resident and not by a third-party contractor or commercial tree cutter.  (A third party contractor should be removing waste generated by their services. ) Tree trunks and limbs for green waste pick up shall not exceed 50 lbs. in weight or 12” in diameter. Trees, limbs, branches, etc. need not be bundled or tied. Leaves should be containerized or bagged.  Piles should not to exceed 15’ long, 6’ wide, and 5’ high.