Jackson Park

Jackson Park

Northeast corner of the square bounded by Jefferson, Coffee and Lake Streets. Jackson Park. From 'Fair Mandeville on the Lake Shore', an article from Friday April 4, 1902, The Daily Picayune, New Orleans.

"Jackson Park is a private property where picnics and lawn parties are frequently held. It is filled with great magnolias and oak trees, which are festooned with quantities of the longest moss to be found in this section. It is there the mocking birds hold high carnival, and hold spellbound all who chance to pass that way,"

Purchased by Jules Manaud in 1870, this expansive piece of property covers a quarter of the square beginning at the corner of Coffee and Jefferson Streets and bounded on the south by the Ravines aux Coquilles. By the 1880's the park figured heavily in the social life in Mandeville. There were balls held for members of various organizations and dances held for the public most weekends. A variety of bands and musical groups arrived for the festivities via the regular steamer traffic.